Emergencies and Crimes in Progress
Call 911 to report a crime in progress or active criminal behavior to the police.
- Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved.
- Take only actions necessary for self-defense.
- If you are safe, stay where you are until the police arrive. Otherwise, try to move to a safe location.
- Report as much information as possible including:
- Type of crime.
- Description of persons involved, including height, weight, sex, clothing and any weapons.
- Location of crime.
- Direction of travel.
- Vehicle description, including color, year, make, model and license.
Non-emergency Situations
To report non-emergency criminal activities, including crimes that are no longer in progress, missing property, minor auto accidents without injuries, disabled vehicles, etc.
- On the Ithaca campus call Public Safety at 607 255-1111
- On the Ithaca campus, crime and tips can be also be reported to Public Safety using the Rave Guardian app. Download the free Guardian app at the Apple store or Google Play. Explore the app features at Rave Guardian.
- In New York City call 311
- At Cornell AgriTech call the local police:
- Geneva Police Department at 315-789-1111
- Ontario County Sheriff at 585-394-4560
If necessary, refer to the ACTIVE THREAT TO LIFE section of this document.
See something? Say something! Report suspicious activity to Cornell Police 607 255-1111 or Call 911.