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Emergency Operations Plan – Introduction

1. Introduction

This Emergency Operations Plan provides the framework by which Cornell University will respond to and manage emergency incidents affecting the University. This plan identifies the overall concepts Cornell will use to manage emergencies, primary objectives and priorities in response to emergencies, personnel and the organizational groups to be utilized during emergencies, capabilities, functions and facilities available to manage and resolve emergencies, processes for activating the components of this plan, and procedures to use during an emergency.

This plan is promulgated under the authority of the Executive Vice President/CFO and is managed by the Division of Public Safety under the direction of the Associate Vice President of Public Safety. The authorities, standards, and references listed in Appendix E are used in the development and implementation of this plan.

This plan is maintained by the Cornell University Office of Emergency Management. The plan is reviewed at least annually and after-action reports are used to identify and document recommended plan modifications after campus incidents. For further information, contact the department by phone at (607)255-1111 or e-mail

Section 2 Concept of Operations