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Continuity and Recovery

Continuity planning is used to improve university resiliency to academic and operational disruptions. Effective continuity planning identifies unit essential services and critical resources and develops strategies for prioritizing and continuing essential services after a disruptive incident.  Continuity planning supports university recovery objectives. The University Continuity of Operations Plan provides guidance for developing objectives and prioritizing essential services after a disruptive incident.

Whether for personal reasons (illness, family care, etc.) or broader situations (pandemic, severe weather, etc.), you may need to be able to conduct your work from remote locations.  Human Resources has developed a flexible work arrangement guide.  CIT has also developed a guide for tools to work remotely.

Academic and Research Continuity Planning

Academic and research continuity planning resources can be found on the Academic Preparedness page. The Cornell Graduate School and the Division of Research and Innovation provide resources to support Cornell faculty and researchers in developing contingency plans for instruction and research continuity during work disruptions. These resources include Maintaining Instructional Continuity in the Face of a Significant Disruption, as well as Contingency Planning for Research Supervisors.

The Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation provides planning, strategies, and tools to help faculty rapidly shift learning environments. More specifically, CCTI offers preparedness guidance for teaching during periods of disruption.

Continuity Planning Software (C-COOP)

Colleges, Divisions, and Departments can utilize Cornell’s web-based continuity planning software tool, called C-COOP, to develop continuity of operations plans. This software provides a central location to identify essential services and document continuity strategies for common disruptive incidents. C-COOP facilitates the development of continuity plans by supporting the identification of:

  • Personnel – key unit leadership and orders of succession
  • Essential Services – based on impact analysis, identify the unit’s most essential services
  • Essential Resources – identify the unique space, specialized equipment, and technologies necessary to deliver the essential service
  • Continuity Strategies – define essential service continuity strategies for common disruptions, such as loss of facility or reduced workforce.

The Office of Emergency Management provides stewardship of the C-COOP software tool for campus partners. For access or support regarding the C-COOP continuity planning software tool please contact the Office of Emergency Management at