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Fire, Smoke & Explosion

In the event of fire, smoke, or an explosion:

  • Alert those around you to the hazard
  • Evacuate the room, closing doors behind you as you leave
  • Manually activate the fire alarm system as you exit the building
  • Exit and move away from the building – DO NOT USE ELEVATORSfire alarm manual pull station
    • If you encounter smoke, stay low and if necessary use your secondary escape route
  • Call 911 from a safe location. Tell the dispatcher:
    • Name of the building
    • Location of the fire
    • Description of the fire
  • ALL fires, including extinguished fires, occurring on Cornell campus property must be reported.
    • On the Ithaca campus notify Cornell Police by calling 607-255-1111
    • At Cornell AgriTech notify Cornell EHS by calling 607-255-8200

If your clothing is on fire

  • Stop – Drop to the ground or floor and Roll to smother flames.
  • Smother flames using a fire blanket.
  • Drench with water from a safety shower or other source.
  • Seek medical attention for all burns and injuries.

If you are trapped in a building

  • If possible, take shelter in a room with an outside window
  • Close all doors and windows
  • Use clothing, towels, or paper to block around the door or over vents to keep smoke out
  • Stay low in smoke
  • If there is a telephone, call 911 to report your location and situation
  • Signal to rescuers and people outside the building by waving clothing and other light colored objects. Stay where rescuers can see you and do not attempt to break the window glass.
  • Remain calm, stay low, and be patient.

Fire Extinguishers

  • If you have been trained and it is safe to do so, you may use one extinguisher to attempt to extinguish the fire
  • Only attempt to extinguish small fires
  • Make sure you have a clear escape path
  • If you have not been trained to use a fire extinguisher you must EVACUATE immediately