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Emergency Operations Plan – Incident Response Facilities

6. Incident Response Facilities

A. Incident Command Post (ICP) – The field location at which the primary tactical-level, on-scene incident command functions are performed. The Incident Commander at an incident scene is responsible for establishing an incident command post if needed. Incident responders arriving on the scene check in with the Incident Commander by radio or at the incident command post for direction and assignment.

B. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) – A facility to be used as the single coordination center for the management of information, decision-making, and resource support and allocation during response or recovery operations. The facility may be used as an Incident Command Post, Incident Management Team meeting and operational center, or an Incident Leadership Team meeting location. Cornell University maintains two permanent facilities that may be activated as Emergency Operations Centers and a variety of other facilities that may be adapted to use as Emergency Operations Centers. Responsibilities for campus Emergency Operation Centers is detailed in ESF #5: Emergency Management.

Section 7. Plan Activation