ESF-5: Emergency Management
Emergency Support Function 5: Emergency Management
ESF-5: Emergency Management coordinates the provision of emergency management related services including management of Incident Management and Incident Leadership Teams, management of Cornell University emergency operations centers, and development and maintenance of incident action plans, incident briefings and documents.
Coordinating Unit: Cornell University Office of Emergency Management
The Office of Emergency Management has primary responsibility for emergency management related services for the Cornell campus. Additional support is provided by departments responsible for other emergency support functions outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan.
Office of Emergency Management
- Coordinate activation and management of Incident Management Teams and Incident Leadership Teams
- Maintain and activate and open the Emergency Operations Center at the EHS Building for use as an incident or event command post or coordination center
- Coordinate and manage the development of Incident Action Plans, intelligence documents, situation reports, and other incident response documentation
- Coordinate and manage activities to gather information and intelligence related to incidents and incident response activities
- Coordinate and manage incident action and informational briefings, intelligence briefings, situation report briefings, and other incident related incident response briefings.
- Monitor pre-incident conditions and as appropriate develop pre-incident briefings and reports and provide them to members of the Emergency Support Function Team, Incident Management Team, Incident Leadership Team, and other campus partners
- Conduct weather forecast information gathering and forecast monitoring and surveillance and as appropriate provide briefings and reports to members of the Emergency Support Function Team, Incident Management Team, Incident Leadership Team, and other campus partners
- In situations where an Incident Management Team is not activated or an emergency operations center is not opened, support incident response field operations by providing personnel to fill incident command staff positions
- Coordinate and manage the development of incident and planned event after action reports and improvement plans for major campus incidents and events
Public Safety Communications Center
- Maintain and activate and open the Emergency Operations Center at Barton Hall for use as an incident or event command post or coordination center
- In conjunction with Cornell University Police Department provide continuous weather monitoring for impending severe and dangerous weather to support responder and public notifications as outlined in ESF-17 Incident Response Communications.