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ESF-17: Personnel Management

Emergency Support Function 5: Emergency Management


ESF-17: Personnel Management coordinates the management of volunteers (both employee volunteers and other volunteers from the community) that may be required during incidents and emergencies.


Coordinating Unit: Cornell University Division of Human Resources

The Division of Human Resources has primary responsibility for coordinating the management of volunteers (employee volunteers and other volunteers from the community), in particular personnel that are not normally assigned to departments providing emergency response or emergency support functions. This ESF is also responsible for management of both spontaneous and recruited volunteers. Personnel management includes coordinating requests for additional personnel and staffing to support operations, registration of personnel, documentation of individual’s skills, certifications, training, and experience to facilitate alignment of personnel to operational assignments, and assignment of personnel to operational groups.

Operational groups will be responsible for provision of:

  • In consultation with human resources, reassignment of existing staff within their college/unit
  • Any relevant briefings and trainings including but not limited to:
    • incident or job task specific training
    • work plans and procedure training
    • site safety plan, communications plan, and supervisory structure briefings
  • Appropriate protective equipment as identified by a work site safety analysis


Division of Human Resources

  • Collect personnel information including individual skills, certifications, training, experience and availability
  • Coordination of temporary work assignments of employees outside their primary college/unit
  • Coordination of hiring of temporary employees through external employment agencies
  • Coordination of volunteers provided through Cornell and external volunteer organizations such as the Cornell Service Center, Tompkins County Lifelong, United Way of Tompkins County, local religious and faith based groups, other higher education institutions, etc.

Emergency Support Function Annexes