Appendix C: Incident Response and Management Process
Appendix C: Incident Response and Management Process
Incident Response Process
1. Incidents, including fires, medical emergencies, rescues, crimes, hazardous material incidents, safety issues, fire alarms, burglar alarms, elevator entrapments, facility damage, utility failures, and other types of incidents are reported via calls from the public or automated alarm systems.
2. Incidents are received by the Cornell University Public Safety Communications Center, Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response 911 Center, or Cornell University Facility and Campus Services Customer Service Center.
3. Centers receiving incident notification dispatch response personnel and notify other centers of the need for other response services.
a. Cornell University Public Safety Communications Center
- Cornell University Police
- Cornell University Emergency Medical Service
- Cornell University Environmental Health and Safety
- Cornell University Community Support Team
- Contacts Dean of Students Administrator on Call and other campus services as upon request of the incident commander.
- b, Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response 911 Center
- Tompkins County fire, rescue, ambulance, police, and public works agencies
- Regional air medical services
c, Facilities and Campus Services Customer Service Center
- Facilities Management Shift Mechanic
- Facilities and Campus Services Trade Shops
- Transportation and Delivery Services
4. Incidents are managed using NIMS and ICS and unified command will be utilized to facilitate interagency command, control, and coordination of incident operations.
5. On scene incident response personnel request additional resources, support, and emergency management services as needed.
Emergency Management Process
Emergency management elements, including activation and utilization of the Incident Management Team, the Incident Leadership Team, and engagement of university senior leadership will vary based on the scope and scale of a specific incident.
Routine incidents are normally handled by campus emergency responders and campus services with minimal involvement of emergency management resources, other than situation monitoring.
Larger and more serious incidents that require operations over extended time periods and/or deployment of additional resources, including Emergency Support Functions and external vendors and services, may result in proportional utilization of emergency management elements and services.
Incident Commanders, Emergency Support Function Team members, Incident Leadership Team members, the Provost, or the President may request activation of emergency management resources, teams, and structures through the Office of Emergency Management. Office of Emergency Management staff will consult with the requesting personnel and determine the emergency management structure and scope most appropriate for incident management.