Emergency Operations Plan – Emergency Support Functions
5. Emergency Support Functions
A. The Emergency Support Function (ESF) Annexes to this document organize University units and resources into functional groups according to their roles in response to campus emergencies and incidents. The ESF Annexes provide basic information regarding coordinating and supporting departments and agencies and their respective emergency support actions that could be utilized to manage and resolve campus incidents. ESF Annexes and coordinating units are listed below and copies of the Emergency Support Function documents can be found in the ESF Annex section of this plan.
ESF-1 Transportation Coordinating Unit: Transporation and Delivery Services
ESF-2 Information Technologies Coordinating Unit: Cornell Information Technologies
ESF-3 Facilities Services Coordinating Unit: Facilities and Campus Services
ESF-4 Fire and Rescue Services Coordinating Unit: Environment, Health and Safety
ESF-5 Emergency Management Coordinating Unit: Office of Emergency Management
ESF-6 Mass Care Coordinating Unit: Student and Campus Life Enterprise Services
ESF-7 Procurement Services Coordinating Unit: Procurement Services
ESF-8 Health Services Coordinating Unit: Cornell Health
ESF-9 Emergency Medical Services Coordinating Unit: Office of Emergency Management
ESF-10 Hazardous Materials Response Coordinating Unit: Environment, Health and Safety
ESF-11 Animal Care Coordinating Unit: Center for Animal Resources and Education
ESF-12 Utilities Coordinating Unit: FCS Energy and Sustainability
ESF-13 Law Enforcement and Security Coordinating Unit: Cornell University Police Department
ESF-15 University Relations Coordinating Unit: University Relations
ESF-16 Incident Response Communications Coordinating Unit: Public Safety Communications
ESF-17 Personnel Management Coordinating Unit: Human Resources
ESF-18 Student and Community Crisis Support Coordinating Unit: Office of the Dean of Students