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ESF-6: Mass Care

Emergency Support Function 6: Mass Care


ESF-6: Mass Care coordinates the provision of mass care services including emergency sheltering, emergency feeding operations, bulk distribution of emergency items, collecting and coordinating information on impacted victims, and providing other human services to support the needs to impacted populations.


Coordinating Unit: Student and Campus Life Enterprise Services (SCLES)

Student and Campus Life (SCL) has responsibility for provision of mass care services for the Cornell campus with SCL Enterprise Services having responsibility for overall coordination of those services. Additional support is provided by other campus departments, vendors, and non-governmental organizations. For small scale incidents impacting less than 10 students the Dean of Students Crisis Managers will coordinate these services or will contact SCLES for additional coordination support.

This ESF supports but does not replace Student and Campus Life Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) for SCL Housing and Dining operations.


Student and Campus Life

  • Coordinate setup and operation of campus shelter facilities.
  • Coordinate services to house and feed displaced campus populations.
  • Coordinate services to house and feed emergency responders and staff who must remain on campus to provide services during an emergency.
  • Coordinate mass care services provided by outside vendors and non-governmental organizations.
  • Coordinate relocation of campus populations from shelters to long term housing.
  • Coordinate vendor services related to emergency housing and feeding operations.

Non-Governmental Organizations

  • American Red Cross
    • Provide shelter services per the Tompkins County Emergency Management Plan.
  • Salvation Army
    • Provide feeding services

Emergency Support Function Annexes