Emergency Operations Plan – Emergency Procedures
9. Emergency Procedures
A. Preparation and familiarity with emergency plans and procedures is critical to taking effective and appropriate actions during emergencies. All members of the Cornell community should become familiar with university emergency procedures.
1. Cornell University Emergency Action Guide – This guide provides information on actions campus community members should take in emergency situations. The Ithaca Campus Emergency Action Guide is available at the Office of Emergency Management website.
At non-Ithaca campuses, contact your local campus safety or security department for a copy of your local emergency action guide.
2. Cornell University Fire Safety Plan – A standardized fire safety plan detailing actions to take in an emergency. The Ithaca campus fire safety plan is available online for printing and posting in campus facilities at the Environment, Health and Safety Fire Safety Plan web page.
At non-Ithaca campuses, contact your local campus safety or security department for a copy of your local emergency action guide.
Foreign language versions of the Ithaca campus plan are also available at the above web site. Copies of the fire safety plan are available in braille and can be requested by contacting the Environment, Health and Safety main office at 607-255-8200
3. Building Escape Route Maps – Building floor plans posted in the public areas of campus facilities showing the emergency egress and escape routes that can be used to exit the building in case of emergency.
4. Unit specific emergency action procedures – University units may have specialized emergency procedures to address special circumstances associated with their departmental operations or facilities. This includes, but is not limited to, specialized evacuation procedures, specialized facility emergency procedures, and emergency shutdown procedures. Individuals associated with such departments must be familiar with and receive appropriate training in such department specific procedures.
5. Emergency Support Function (ESF) Unit specific response procedures – University units responsible for provision of ESF services as outlined in the ESF Annexes must develop procedures for the provision of those defined services. Personnel associated with unit ESF response must be familiar with and receive appropriate training in their department specific response procedures.