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Emergency Operations Plan – Response Priorities

8. Response Priorities

A. Cornell University personnel, equipment, and resources will be utilized in the following priority order:

1. Priority 1: Protect and save the lives of university faculty, staff, students, and visitors, and emergency responders.

2. Priority 2: Facilitate continuity of academic, research, and business operations.

a. Protect and preserve research including animals and plants.
b. Protect and preserve University property and structures.
c. Protect the environment.
d. Restore operations.

B. Priority for property protection will vary based on the particular emergency but should be based on the following guidance:

1. Property Priority 1: Occupied buildings used by dependent populations that cannot be safely evacuated

a. Occupied residential facilities
b. Occupied classrooms, auditoriums, work areas
c. Occupied arenas and special event venues

2. Property Priority 2: Buildings critical to health and safety

a. Shelter facilities, food supplies, and medical facilities
b. Sites containing hazards that if left unprotected could become threats to health and safety.

3. Property Priority 3: Facilities that sustain the emergency response and recovery

a. Emergency facilities
b. Energy systems
c. Communications services
d. Computer installations
e. Transportation systems

4. Property Priority 4: Unoccupied research and classroom facilities and buildings

5. Property Priority 5: Unoccupied administrative buildings

Section 9 Emergency Procedures